The saying “You Are What You Eat” is a worthy one to ponder. As a health and wellness coach, I prefer the saying, “You Eat What You Are”! You eat according to how you are feeling and the thoughts and images you have of yourself. You are not always conscious of this and may need a few mind hacks to bring it all to the surface.
This was the topic of our last Live With Lorie & Lucille Show on Facebook. Click here to watch the show.
The Real Reason You Eat Too Much
As a coach and a nurse advocate, I have witnessed clients who eat poorly and have great difficulty losing weight. They tend to have little awareness of the reasons why this is so. Many times, they are just not aware that this is more than a physical process. Their emotions such as sadness, fear, frustration anger, worry, or just not being in touch with who they are and what they want all contribute to the process of eating and weight gain.
Conversely, when they were able to:
They were able to shed the “heaviness” of their life and shed weight and feel better overall.
Heaviness in Life
Deepak Chopra speaks about that this heaviness is more than physical, it can involve any aspect of your life. Heavy moods, heavy stress, heavy workload. These are burdens that need to be shed in mind, body, and spirit. He notes that emotions and relationships can be as toxic as wrong foods.
That is why we utilize a whole-person wellbeing coaching model called Wellness Inventory that addresses 12 dimensions of wellness. Once a whole-person model is adopted and the mind, body, and spirit issues are addressed one achieves an improved self-image, sheds weight, and finds more peace and happiness.
Ponder the following questions:
4 Mind Hacks
There are 4 simple but not necessarily easy mind hacks we suggest to get started in identifying how to have more awareness of your "weight" mind, body, and spirit.
Let Food Be Thy Medicine
The quote by Hippocrates, “Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food,” is such an important quote. What we eat has everything to do with maintaining good health and happiness as we age. This is one area of life we can control and it is a worthy and necessary goal.
Changing your eating habits and shedding weight is much more than a new diet. It encompasses all aspects of you and your life, some of which you may not even be aware of.
“When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.” ~ Ayurvedic Proverb
“To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we will not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” ~ Buddha
Learn more about whole-person wellbeing and how it can shed some "heaviness" so you can shed weight and feel lighter and happier.
Get your FREE “3 Power Prompts to Help You Reconnect With Your Most Vibrant, Joyful Self” worksheet