Midlife is not for the faint of heart. Entering the midlife arena for a woman can be a challenge. You are often still responsible for your family or maybe your children have already flown from the nest. You may be involved with the care of your elderly parents. You may have a job that is important and essential for your life. You may have started to struggle with your health in subtle and not so subtle ways. Menopause may have hit you hard. You may be bombarded by "advice" on what to do to stay healthy, happy, and youthful and are just plain tired of it all.
Midlife can come with a set of questions and uncertainties related to menopause, not feeling good enough, a lack of clarity, intense negative thoughts that can zap all your energy and make you feel helpless. It can be overwhelming figuring out what diet to be on and what fitness regimen you should maintain. You may feel something inside is missing. Are you focused on your external reality only? Are you in touch with that wonderful inner true self that you are and that can provide you the most insights and support? Sometimes our relationships with friends can change at this time. Women start heading in different directions. Does anyone provide intimate support to you that would help you unlock your true potential and help you make your dreams come true?
Are you limited by what the world, your family, and circle of friends expect of you? Do you place limits on yourself? Do you have ingrained beliefs about what will happen to you in midlife and beyond?
Many people at this time have a set of beliefs that don’t serve them and do not help them thrive in midlife and beyond. Do you ever say the following to yourself?
My concern is that there may be days when you feel devoid of meaning, struggle with your health, and gain weight despite your best efforts and great information. Losing social connections and increased family responsibilities can cause stress. Combine that with feeling irrelevant, lacking confidence or direction can lead to more stress and isolation.
What if I told you that we have a program that provides a clear process on how to use your inner power and strength to achieve your full potential and that you will have the needed tools to age with joy, vibrancy, and good health? I want you to feel like you can become that woman you were meant to be - that person you dreamed of being when you were in your 20's. I want you to know that you can maximize your potential for good health, happiness, and meaning in midlife and beyond. I want you to have the tools to change those negative thoughts and beliefs to thoughts and feelings of joy and satisfaction for the awesome woman you are.
If any of this resonates with you and is giving you a sense of excitement or hope, please download my gift to you, "3 Power Prompts to Help You Reconnect with Your Most Vibrant, Joyful Self." This quick 30-minute exercise is designed to take you from feeling lost, confused, and negative about aging to a place where you can start reconnecting with yourself and start the journey of self-discovery to a place where you design your best life going forward. A way to start changing the way you think and feel about yourself and gain some deep insights. Our program is not for the faint of heart, just like midlife isn't! It will allow you to let go of all the "coaches" and bombardment of information on how to do this and that, and leave you knowing that you have all of the tools and answers inside on how to be your most powerful and magnificent midlife. I will leave you with the following quote by Mary Oliver to ponder...
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
Get your FREE “3 Power Prompts to Help You Reconnect With Your Most Vibrant, Joyful Self” worksheet